Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Think i'm falling in love with the sky...

Sorry for not posting in a while! Been busy...
I know i've already done pictures of the setting sun, but i can get over how beautiful the sky has been in the past few weeks! The joys of living in the lakes!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Life revolves around time. Especially today with the two exams I had at school! Constantly looking at the clock to see how long till the end of the lesson, watching the little red hand seem to go slower and slower just to annoy me! If only time went fast even if your not having fun!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Zoom in...

I know I havnt put a pic on for quite a few days, but here! This is a zoom in of a church about half a mile away from my house! Its a bit blurry, but its only because the zoom is at its max. Beautiful sunset

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


I love this heart. This 'Cath Kidstone' style, blue, dotted heart. So thought i would take a picture of it!

Monday, 9 January 2012


Amazing. This was the sky tonight! I took it leaning out my attic window, on my camera on the 'sunset' setting. The colours are actually beautiful! Wow.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Dont have much to say about this pic today! Just that love is important. Never forget that.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Last of the Christmas decor...

Only a couple of weeks after Christmas, put most of the festive decorations away in their dusty old cardboard boxes, back in the attic. Apart from the few that manage to stay out just that little bit longer than the rest. And this year, it seems to be the crimbo lights! Quite glad they haven't been put away yet! A few shimmery lights manage to slightly cheer up the dull world outside at this time of year! Thought i'd take a picture of them while I can!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Colour in a dull world...

Here's my second picture blog! These flowers seem like the only speck of colour in the world right now! Its so rainy and dull at this time of year! I love these flowers. They sit right outside my window in my living room, which when I look out the window, brighten up my view! Beautiful.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

On this rainy day...

So today has been a really rainy day. I have been stuck inside doing homework all day, and one of my homework's was to paint a butterfly for art. This is my watercolour block, pretty obvious really, but i took a picture of it because this is something that interests me! Anyway, that's my first photo blog. Shall update tomorrow! Bye!

Monday, 2 January 2012

First Blog...

So, this is my first ever blog!
My picture blogging will start tomorrow, since today is very nearly over!

My plan, in case you didn't already know is to post a photo everyday, (well, as many days as possible) to show you my view of life in the beautiful lake district!
I'd really appreciate it if you could follow me, if that how this works?
Bye for now!